2.10.06 - A Web Site for Our Friends & Family

Emily and I, summer 04. |

This is the earliest picture I have of the Training Center, taken mid-90's. (notice: no basketball court) |
What is happening in the Caribbean, where are the pictures of the latest projects, and how does that impact my life? This site is dedicated to the regular updating and informing of our friends and family to our work in the Bahamas and our journey to get there. As the nature of mission work goes, we will rely entirely on the contributions and gifts from individuals and churches; God often chooses to work through the prayers and heartfelt desires of His people, and so this site will also serve to highlight our prayer requests and also to provide our supporters and those who give to the Lord through our mission to see the tangible execution and implementation of their gifts.
This is also a way for us to archive our progress and chart our course towards the future. Spend some time in the “Snapshots” page and you’ll find more than images – for us they are lasting impressions that encourage our purpose. We send out continual newsletters to those on our prayer list, and you’ll find all back issues archived in the “Newsletter” page.
You’ll also see a page to hear from our hearts. Emily gives a running log of our daily activities in the “Journal” page, and you’ll hear from my perspective in these featured spots from the “Home” page, and my topical articles from school, church, and personal study in the “Articles” page.
Finally, we greatly value your involvement and cooperation in ministry as you prayerfully support our calling. We love to hear from you, and we’ll always write back (though it might take a few days… you know how that goes). Please visit our “Contact” page and jot down a note or thought just to say “Hi” or let us know how we can pray for you.
Again, remember these pages are designed with you in mind, and it is our prayer that they will keep you up-to-date and encouraged in support of our ministry goals. May God richly bless you and train your mind to be sensitive to His guiding and empowering.